2010 m. gruodžio 17 d., penktadienis


(I'm in love with Pierre Hardy's floral wedges !)
Today's Inspiration:

O M G. I WANT THIS shit SO MUCH !!! Awesome idea and i am sure it looks good on ears.

I am so exhausted. Today is friday, and all what I did today is: I were with my neighbours in them house and we've made roast bread (correct?) .
Now I just want to drink big big cup of cacao, go to my own bed and read 'L'officiel'.
  • to talk with anyone;
  • to do something tedious;
  • to be alone;
And ect.
I'm so pathetic.
And it's pathetic.
But today I had lovely hair style(for me. i don't know others oppinion).
Check it out and assess. ; )

my favorite hair clip!
And it's me again down here.


2 komentarai:

  1. Auskarai - nuostabybė! O dėl šukuosenos, tai - tau tinka! :)

  2. Ačiūūūū. Aš taaaip ieškau visur tų auskarų.. Jie toookie nesveiki, omg.
    thank you!!
